Kelly Manley, Renee Stubbings, Sandy Linden
June 2021
Infusion Therapy
Parker Adventist Hospital
United States
Kelly Manley, BSN, RN
Sandra Linden, BSN, RN
Renee Stubbings, RN




When she was inpatient, Kelly, Sandy, and Renee would always be sure to visit and check on her. They always made her feel so special.
I have had the privilege of being the DAISY Coordinator for the DAISY Awards program for the last 5 years. It holds a special place in my heart because I feel the nurses are the soul of our hospital. It gives me great pleasure to be part of a program that honors the work that they do. My mom happened to be a frequent visitor of our hospital and had so many amazing encounters with our nurses. My mom received monthly infusions with the team for the last several years and really wanted to submit a nomination for them. I explained to her that the awards were for individual nurses and that we could write a nomination for each one, or she could pick her favorite to write a nomination for. My mom responded, “It would be impossible to pick a favorite nurse because I adore Sandy, Kelly, and Renee equally.” She became so close with all of them because she saw them so frequently. They didn’t treat her like a patient, they treated her like family. They listened to her very long and detailed stories, and in return, learned about their families as well. My mom would look forward to her monthly infusions as if she were going to lunch with friends. She couldn’t wait to see them and catch up to see what was new with all of them. She would brag about her grandchildren and show them pictures. They made her feel important and loved, and she treasured every moment.

I promised to help her write a story about the team. Unfortunately, I was unable to keep that promise to my mom because she passed away. She told my brother, sister, and me so many wonderful stories about the infusion team and I wish I could remember them in detail. They went above and beyond to provide care for my mom in so many ways. My mom had a partial foot amputation due to an infection brought on by type 2 diabetes. She was on a course of IV antibiotics that she received through infusion daily and she also had to visit our outpatient wound care clinic for hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy to promote healing. Due to the onset of COVID, the hospital no longer had volunteers to help transport patients. My mom would arrive at the hospital very early before our valet services opened. Sandy would meet my mom at her car, get out of her wheelchair and bring her in for IV antibiotics. Sandy would then take my mom to wound care, which was in another building, to receive her oxygen therapy. My mom had several chronic health conditions for which she was hospitalized on occasion. When she was inpatient, Kelly, Sandy, and Renee would always be sure to visit and check on her. They always made her feel so special. My family is privileged to have had such a wonderful team take care of our mom and although she has passed, it would mean so much to her to be able to honor these kind, compassionate nurses that went above and beyond too many times to count to not only give exceptional care but also friendship.