September 2019
Infusion Therapy “Interpretive Dancers”
Confluence Health
United States
Brenda Stull, RN
Erika Ruderman, RN
Lea Glenn, RN
Jennifer Dillon Kleine, RN
Rebecca Marlowe, RN
Jacqueline Kisling Ferrier, RN
Amy Daley, RN




Dr. Smith, Jen, and Erika in the infusion room gave me a huge graduation gift by rallying the other nurses to make my vision come true. While on drums, the others did an interpretive dance re-enactment of the chemo killing my cancer (Jen played the starring role of the cancer, a role she felt conflicted about). My mom and I were the last people in there, and they requested no video (mom took some still shots with their permission), so I know they were out of their comfort zone to bring me happiness.

I laughed-cried for a solid three minutes and have bursts of spontaneous laughter ever since. Anyway, Confluence sends out so many surveys about customer satisfaction, so if there is any way for these women to get recognized in an appropriate way for treating the whole patient, for killing my cancer, AND lifting my spirits, well, I'd just like to see them celebrated in the way they celebrated me. Maybe the board of directors can do an interpretive dance for them to show them how appreciated they are. I can't even tell you how good it felt to laugh so hard, and you know, I think it was good for them to dance out their victory and laugh hard too. And now the cancer is gone. I love these women. They are earth angels...and excellent interpretive dancers.