Jackie E. Abraham
February 2021
5800 Inpatient Oncology Unit
UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
Jackie reassured me that sometimes certain circumstances require these drugs and that is exactly what they were designed for. She was like a nurse plus counselor and encourager all in one.
I would like to nominate a very special nurse who took care of me and demonstrated "extraordinary care" during my hospital stay at UPMC Magee when I was admitted after surgery to remove a large mass from my abdomen. I was so very blessed to be cared for by all the other nurses, patient techs, directors, doctors, anesthesiologists, and the Father. Your complete care team is outstanding. I will never forget everyone who went above and beyond to care for me. The incredible knowledge they have and the gift of compassion that they showed which in turn comforted me during this very difficult time in my life.
It is really difficult for me to select one extraordinary nurse because I love them all, but during the dark hours of the night time, pain and some fear would sometimes creep in, that is when I met Jackie. I tried to stay away from the narcotic oxycodone and stick to the pain management plan, which seemed to work quite well until my spinal block totally wore off and I started to feel the pain. I had many discussions with Jackie during the night about the oxycodone I told her I was afraid because I had never taken a narcotic before and with all of the stigma behind them, and I was mostly afraid of how my body would react to it especially at night time. Jackie reassured me that sometimes certain circumstances require these drugs and that is exactly what they were designed for, to help people in the high-level pain events to get over the bumps and get rest for proper healing. She was like a nurse plus counselor and encourager all in one.
As I got to know Jackie during the nighttime hours, I realized how incredibly knowledgeable, caring, compassionate, and dedicated to her profession she was. I saw her come in on her off hours and peek her head in my room to say hello and smile and I asked her what she was doing here and she said that she was working on a paper and it was just easier to come in to do it. At that moment I knew she was dedicated to being a lifelong learner and that she truly enjoys being in this environment of caring for people. I then acknowledged that God sent Jackie to guide me forward through the dark scary hours and the fears that they try to invade our thoughts and minds.
On a normal basis, I am a very positive people person with a very strong faith in God, but there have been a few times in my life that cause me to be bumped off my normal track. One of these times was in 2012 when I lost my dad to cancer, and another time I was in a very terrifying car accident or I almost went off a bridge, and now this surgery to remove this mass that came about all of a sudden and was very scary. At the time of this letter, I am going through my treatment plan of chemotherapy to further ensure and give hope that I will be disease-free going forward. I also know for certain that God specifically guided my path to my doctor and I am so very grateful for this blessing of her exceptional care I know our God never leaves us. He has set this care in motion from the beginning to the end and all of you are a part of his perfect plan at this particular time. And even though fear tries to creep in and destroy my positive attitude and faith I will keep trusting the Lord because I know that he is in control and he sent all of you lovely people to carry me through. Thank you, Jackie and thanks to everyone on my care team for all for you are all extraordinary!
It is really difficult for me to select one extraordinary nurse because I love them all, but during the dark hours of the night time, pain and some fear would sometimes creep in, that is when I met Jackie. I tried to stay away from the narcotic oxycodone and stick to the pain management plan, which seemed to work quite well until my spinal block totally wore off and I started to feel the pain. I had many discussions with Jackie during the night about the oxycodone I told her I was afraid because I had never taken a narcotic before and with all of the stigma behind them, and I was mostly afraid of how my body would react to it especially at night time. Jackie reassured me that sometimes certain circumstances require these drugs and that is exactly what they were designed for, to help people in the high-level pain events to get over the bumps and get rest for proper healing. She was like a nurse plus counselor and encourager all in one.
As I got to know Jackie during the nighttime hours, I realized how incredibly knowledgeable, caring, compassionate, and dedicated to her profession she was. I saw her come in on her off hours and peek her head in my room to say hello and smile and I asked her what she was doing here and she said that she was working on a paper and it was just easier to come in to do it. At that moment I knew she was dedicated to being a lifelong learner and that she truly enjoys being in this environment of caring for people. I then acknowledged that God sent Jackie to guide me forward through the dark scary hours and the fears that they try to invade our thoughts and minds.
On a normal basis, I am a very positive people person with a very strong faith in God, but there have been a few times in my life that cause me to be bumped off my normal track. One of these times was in 2012 when I lost my dad to cancer, and another time I was in a very terrifying car accident or I almost went off a bridge, and now this surgery to remove this mass that came about all of a sudden and was very scary. At the time of this letter, I am going through my treatment plan of chemotherapy to further ensure and give hope that I will be disease-free going forward. I also know for certain that God specifically guided my path to my doctor and I am so very grateful for this blessing of her exceptional care I know our God never leaves us. He has set this care in motion from the beginning to the end and all of you are a part of his perfect plan at this particular time. And even though fear tries to creep in and destroy my positive attitude and faith I will keep trusting the Lord because I know that he is in control and he sent all of you lovely people to carry me through. Thank you, Jackie and thanks to everyone on my care team for all for you are all extraordinary!