February 2022
Neuro ICU
UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital
United States




Through her experience and knowledge, Jaclyn was able to recognize that L was "fighting" the ventilator.
My wife, mother of three, and 21-year police detective, was admitted to UCHealth Greeley, with complications from thrombocytopenia coupled with a pre-diagnosed autoimmune liver from 2016 proved to be a perfect storm. I call it a storm because a storm has no boundaries and will destroy what is in its path with no remorse, empathy, or reason. After days of treatment with platelet transfusions, steroids, and IVIG, nothing was working. Her body was killing itself. L developed a spontaneous brain bleed, where she was then transported to the Anschutz Neuro ICU where numerous medical staff began treating, monitoring, trying to figure out a fix. The last words my wife spoke to me in the evening were, "I love you. Take care of the babies." Looking at the worry on my face she said, "I will be ok, I'm at Anschutz." The next day, the storm hit. L collapsed from ARDS and was immediately intubated and sedated. I thought I would not speak to her again. This day turned into two surgeries. One on her brain and the second to embolize her spleen. Everyone in the room, surgeons, doctors, nurses knew what the risk was and the odds were against all of us. After several hours of sitting in an indescribable fog, I was approached by numerous staff and told she made it through the surgeries. She was in critical condition but alive. Coming to Anschutz Neuro ICU every day in my three-hour commute, you start to recognize faces and names. Putting the trust in someone with the life of your loved one is a difficult task. Slowly I observed how amazing the Neuro ICU really was. Every day is filled with rounds, the plan for the day discussed, and all the contingency plans. The compassion, empathy, and caring towards L and myself were truly special.

I spent quite a bit of time with Jaclyn. Doing what she could my wife while also recognizing how bad I was struggling with it all. She was constantly checking on my well-being about eating, sleeping and taking care of myself. She would listen and then engage in follow-up conversation about our previous discussions. Jaclyn really changed the path L was headed. Through her experience and knowledge, she was able to recognize that L was "fighting" the ventilator. Instead of sedating her more to make her comfortable she spoke with the doctors and transitioned L off the ventilator. This action alone, in my opinion, changed the recovery path, timeframe, and life of my wife. I spoke with Jaclyn and told her she saved my wife. She responded in a humble voice, "if it wasn't me someone else would have caught it." But it was Jaclyn, who took a chance and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Jaclyn should be recognized for her dedication, compassion, empathy, and spirit. The staff in the Anschutz Neuro ICU is unparalleled. The surgeons, doctors, PAs, Nurses, CNAs, and RTs truly define the best of the best. Everyone played a part in saving the life of my children's mother, my wife. Thank you for saving my L.