Jacob D Kiss
September 2023
Jacob D
Maine Medical Center
United States




Jake took the time to ask us about J - who she was when she was well, what she was like, what her favorite things were, etc. He showed us through his actions that he truly cared.
My family had the unfortunate situation recently of having my oldest sister J, in the CICU for about ten days. During that time, the care she received from the whole staff in the CICU was exceptional, as was the attention and compassion we received as a family. Sadly, after a series of events and resulting tests that showed little brain activity, we had to make the hardest of decisions: to let my sister go and discontinue treatment. 

On this hardest of days, Jacob was assigned as J's nurse. Jake was a Godsend during this time. From patiently explaining to us what was happening to constantly making sure J was comfortable to making sure we had everything we needed, Jake went above and beyond. 

Jake took the time to ask us about J - who she was when she was well, what she was like, what her favorite things were, etc. He also asked about the family- the bonds that hold us together. He showed us through his actions that he truly cared. Jake also shared a personal side of himself and his background and made the whole experience somehow less clinical and more human. 

Ensuring that J's passing was peaceful and without discomfort, Jake's capable, reassuring, and calming presence allowed my family to grieve while feeling that all of us were warmly supported and that everything was going to be okay. We cannot thank Jake enough for his medical expertise but even more for his personal attention to us during this difficult time. It cannot be easy to care for the sickest people and watch family heartache in real time, but Jake's compassion and warmth make him perfect for that job. We would love to see him recognized for his tremendous help to our family and to the many others he cares for in the CICU.