James Aguinaldo
May 2024
Med 2
UCI Health - Los Alamitos
Los Alamitos
United States




Not only was James good at his job, but he was also personable, friendly, caring, and patient.
My dad’s hospital stay would’ve been a terrible experience if not for James Aguinaldo. When I was getting nowhere with the doctors and had certain doctors not coming in for consults, even after the main doctor had put in orders, James stayed on top of it and got them to come in. He was always on top of it, even the little things! My dad loves coffee, and James always made sure he had his coffee throughout the day. He not only attended to my dad, but he also was always asking if I needed anything (since I was pretty much here for dads’ entire stay). Not only was James good at his job, but he was also personable, friendly, caring, and patient. He never went without a smile on his face. And he took time out of his busy day to explain things to me in depth when he didn’t have to. All because I’m interested in medicine, and I was asking all kinds of questions since I was curious and intrigued. He had worked as my dad’s nurse for four days straight and was supposed to have the day off after, but he took a shift so he could be my dad’s nurse after surgery. He wanted to follow my dad’s care and make sure everything went well with the surgery and see him through. James’s customer service is beyond reproach. I feel no one deserves recognition more than James!