James Dzuricky
October 2022
UPMC St. Margaret
United States




I felt so comfortable that I stopped being a nurse and became a patient, allowing him to take care of me.
I was scheduled for outpatient orthopedic surgery. I've had a few others in the past and have worked as an OR and PACU nurse, so "I knew what to expect". However, I didn't. My experience as a patient in the PACU was one of nausea, confusion, syncope, and on my request pain medication until my oxygen saturation was dropping. I know that all of the above is quite normal in the PACU, BUT NOT for me.

So, as the time in PACU dragged on and I was unable to stand up without vomiting or getting faint, it was decided that I should be admitted. When I arrived in my room on the 4th floor, Ortho, I was promptly greeted by James, RN. He was on top of this! He answered every question and anticipated every need. I felt so comfortable that I stopped being a nurse and became a patient, allowing him to take care of me. I was having trouble voiding and figured I'd do better with no one there. I could take a step to the bedside commode but it was gone! So, I put my call light on and asked why my commode was not at my bedside. James said, " I put it in where I knew you'd have to ask for help, you should not be getting up alone!" Nausea was still an issue, but I was trying to keep oral pain meds down so I could go home. After James gave me a Percocet and another pill, I vomited just after he left my room. I reported this and requested new pain meds, and the poor guy had to find my still intact pills floating in the vomit in order to administer something else, GROSS!

By morning I was much more comfortable, and safely medicated and all the medical equipment, prescriptions, etc. were taken care of. My husband and I felt ready for discharge. I don't know if I, as a nurse, could have done that as well. Especially with today's staffing shortages. But I felt as though I was his only patient and I know he probably had many, many more! What a great example of a nurse, giving care. Thank you, James!