James M Baker
October 2022
James M
Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Recovery Center
Eskenazi Health
United States




His personality can help patients regain some hope and faith that maybe it is ok to let those brick walls down and trust someone just a little, or help patients see not everyone is going to hurt them.
There is not one specific story to share, there are many that can and should be shouted from the rooftops. I have worked on the same unit with James Baker for several years now and I can honestly say I am beyond impressed with his skills, work ethic, PRIDE values, and the respect he shows everyone. Working in the medical field can often be challenging and then when you add additional barriers/challenges of mental health on top of that, days sometimes can seem like a week and a week can feel like a month. James always has a spring in his step, a word of encouragement, and faces each challenge with optimism. Even in the roughest of situations he has always looked at the glass as half full. He is always fully present with the patients as he is with their families and staff. If a family member is wanting to talk with him about a loved one’s care, he ALWAYS makes time to address their concerns. When he tells a patient he will be there in five minutes, he is there in five minutes even if to reassure the patient he has not forgotten and will be there as soon as possible.

So many of the patients we serve on the Mental Health Recovery unit, have very limited if any support, no one they feel they can trust or turn to, have had so many broken promises throughout their lives and then they find James Baker in their life even if just for a short amount of time. His personality can help patients regain some hope and faith that maybe it is ok to let those brick walls down and trust someone just a little, or help patients see not everyone is going to hurt them.

Some people choose this profession, and I do not believe that to be the case with Mr. James Baker, I believe this profession is his calling and it chose him. He will soon be finishing his psychiatric nurse practitioner degree and the sky is the limit for him. He will be able to achieve so much and continue to touch so many lives in such a positive and supportive approach as he always does, even if having a very difficult conversation with the patient. I myself am someone that has lived experience with mental health challenges, and I am extremely picky about whom I would see or whom I would refer someone to. I can honestly say without any question in my mind, I would not have any concerns with referring ANYONE to his care, as I know they would be treated with dignity, respect, and as a human not as their diagnosis.