Jamie Inglish
May 2021
Labor & Delivery
Providence Cedars-Sinai Tarzana Medical Center




Jamie truly was like a magician bringing out all her acts! Not only did I feel truly pampered during labor, but she was such a cheerleader for me.
I have been super nervous and losing sleep over the thought of giving birth during a pandemic. As my due date got closer, I knew for certain that I would not be allowed to have my doula present. This was heartbreaking news as I truly believed I would not be able to give birth un-medicated without the support of my doula.
For my first born, I had the support of a doula present and even then, it was such a struggle to go un-medicated. So, I came into the hospital, open minded that I would most likely need meds or an epidural. I arrived at Providence Tarzana after laboring at home for 14 hours. Jamie came in to notify me that she would be my nurse. She came in such good spirits with a positive aura. I didn't think too much of it, as I had felt let down with my firstborn's hospital/nurse experience so I thought it was just her first initial presence and that once she saw my birth plan her attitude might go sour. To my surprise she thoroughly read it and wasn't fazed by it. I had some more holistic requests and maybe they were a bit out of the ordinary... or not up to regular hospital standards. She assured me that if my practitioner gave the "green" light that she would adhere. Not only did I feel understood and heard, but I actually felt comfortable in such an awkward setting.
I had arrived 7 cm's dilated and had to labor the entire time with my mask on. She made me feel as comfortable as possible. And believe me, there's nothing fun about doing a nose swab when you're contracting that far dilated. She brought the perfect balance of comedy relief and some meditation cues. From diffusing oils, to performing pain relieving massages, to bringing multiple tools to aid (yoga ball, peanut ball, etc.). She truly was like a magician bringing out all her acts! Not only did I feel truly pampered during labor, but she was such a cheerleader for me. So much so, that my time there felt like 15 minutes before I delivered my baby girl. Time just went fast with her care.
On top of all that, I didn't ring her in until I felt the baby crowning (not for any reason other than the fact that I didn't know my body was self-pushing and I've also been told I have a small birth canal). Both her and my practitioner were so calm and Zen that it truly felt peaceful. My baby was born in caul as well, to just tie this whole birthing experience in a big giant bow knot! This whole experience was night and day from my firstborn's. And I know in my heart, that had I not been tended by Jamie, I would not have been able to do this naturally. And everyone kept reminding me that my labor and delivery experience would not go as planned. And they were right! It was better! It was in my opinion the best it could ever have been. And if I want to get overly sentimental about it, I would describe it as magical. And I thank Jamie for making it happen that way! It is 4 months later, and I am still grateful to her and gushing over her expertise. Truly an angel of a Nurse.