Jamie Nixon
March 2023
Health Carousel
United States




Jamie said something to her and the patient replied, "Did you say let's go bowling?" Jamie did not miss a beat and immediately replied, "I sure did", just to see where this line of conversation could lead.
Jamie Nixon is a remarkable patient-focused nurse who is quick on her feet to help her patients in their toughest moments. Jamie had a patient sent her way from the ICU. This patient had a new onset altered mental status and was combative and had punched multiple staff members and was just angry and confused, and at her core, most likely really scared about everything happening to her. Jamie said something to her and the patient replied, "Did you say let's go bowling?" Jamie did not miss a beat and immediately replied, "I sure did", just to see where this line of conversation could lead. The patient calmed down and said, "Well let's go! Who is coming with us?" Jamie asked her, "Who do you want to go bowling with us?" The patient named off a bunch of names and told Jamie that she had to go get her bowling ball and shoes. The patient told her to get some beers and Jamie assured her she would. The rest of the day when Jamie entered the room, her formerly combative patient asked her if she wanted to go bowling. Jamie would reply in the affirmative. She was calm and content and a real peach the rest of the day. The next day her family brought in this really cool stone with a "Let's go bowling" message and artwork on it. They thanked Jamie, hugged her, and were extremely grateful to have her compassion and quick thinking during this time.

I called Jamie's NM to get some insight into working with Jamie. She thanked me for nominating her for a DAISY Award. She referenced how kind-hearted Jamie was, how she has had multiple patients ask about how Jamie could be recognized for going above and beyond, and even shared that Jamie excels at communicating during difficult situations with other RNs and addresses issues before they could become a problem. Jamie embodies the focus on patients and their families during trying times and that is what the DAISY Award is all about.