Jan Hunter
October 2020
Centra Health




When people are at their weakest point, we often get to see what they're made from. I've never been in the hospital before, with the exception of my birth I suppose. Last week I found myself in a crisis weak point, in a way that I never expected. The details of my emergency surgery are not the important part, and they're not the reason that I'm writing to you today. I am writing to tell you about two fine ladies who were at my service pre and post-surgery. I was in the hospital for three days, and I wanted to highlight some exceptional service points, for which I was the benefactor.
I believe I struck gold twice. The lady who cared for me through the night was named Jan. Her care and compassion were evident from the word go. In scripture, it says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, so I am confident about saying that I knew her heart quickly. I really appreciated her good humor and compassion.
The list of little things that she did along the way is too long to enumerate, but one of the things that stuck out to me was how she helped me work through a very embarrassing situation. The doctor's orders were to pump me full of more fluids than I ever consumed at one time, and I was going to the bathroom every 45 minutes. I was incredibly worried about not making it to the bathroom during my sleep, and I mentioned it to her as delicately as I know how. She did not dismiss the situation or miss a beat, and she helped me feel OK if something had happened by accident. Evidently, I talk in my sleep, and she shared some funny stories with me about full conversations I had with her in the middle of the night while she was checking in on me, for which I had no recollection.
As I said, I've never had a hospital experience before, but I am glad that the organization in my hometown keeps this kind of staff available when our time of need arises. I am thankful to have had these two young ladies in my corner through my crisis moment. With the coronavirus, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to even have my wife visit, and she didn't get to until post-surgery, but these two ladies were by my side.
These two ladies were DAISY Nurses in my world.