January 2020
West Coast University College of Nursing
United States




As Clinical Faculty, I was so touched by one outstanding WCU N481L Critical Care student and a special patient encounter. A critical care patient cared for by our WCU student became both acutely and terminally ill. Recovery was hopeless and the patient's wife and adult children had to make a difficult decision for DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) and implementation of comfort care measures. The wife and adult children could not bear to be in the room with the patient as he slowly declined due to their extreme grief and difficulty coping with the anticipated loss. Our WCU student- Janine Cabrera intuitively recognized that maybe she could help. Janine decided she would stay with the patient continually and ensure that she was there at the bedside- caring for her patient and about him. No one told her to do this- she knew it was the right thing to do. As I rounded on my clinical students, Janine was sitting at the bedside, holding his hand- with her full attention and care focused on his comfort needs. She told me of his updated situation, the DNR order, the family so upset and grieving, and how she decided she could help. It was so impressive- that she would recognize when caring, comfort and support were the perfect nursing interventions! Janine provided comfort care until he passed away? the other nurses were busy- providing patient care for others and at change of shift. She didn't want him to die alone. Janine was there for him until the end. The family was so touched that Janine had provided this exceptional care to their loved one and hugged her and thanked her profusely for her care and kindness. Janine really stood out to me as an excellent, compassionate student and future nurse.