Jason Humphrey
July 2024
Utah Valley Hospital
United States




Jason regularly finds ways to positively impact his patients. This is Jason's nature and unique ability.
Jason was working with a patient who had been confined to the hospital for an extended period of time. As he talked with the patient and got to know him, it became apparent to Jason that it would be nice if the patient were able to go outside for just a short time to experience some fresh air and sunshine. After a discussion with some of the leaders on the unit, it was determined that the patient could go off of the unit for a short time. Jason was going to take his lunch break and took his patient with him. They sat outside while Jason ate his lunch. Jason arranged for other caregivers to monitor and assist his other patients while he was gone. After the patient came back to the unit, he expressed his thanks to Jason for the opportunity to get a little fresh air. The patient has some upcoming major decisions that he will need to be making in the very near future and Jason's extraordinary care will allow the patient to help make these decisions.

Jason regularly finds ways to positively impact his patients. This is Jason's nature and unique ability. He spends time talking with patients one-on-one and getting to know them, and then he genuinely thanks them at the end of the shift for the opportunity he has had to take care of them for the day. Patients have a better outlook because Jason took care of them, and they have a better healing experience while here.