Jason Lust
March 2024
Pediatric Operating Room
Wolfson Children's Hospital
United States




The patient was so relieved to find her cat. The parent told me that her daughter's OR nurse had made it for her. I later discovered that the talented nurse behind the balloon was Jason.
Whenever I see Jason Lust, he always has a smile on his face. Whether interacting with patients & their families or with co-workers, he is engaged & vested in the conversation. He is truly present and is listening. He pays attention to the little things. After all, it is the little things in life that truly matter. During one of my shifts in POPS, a patient of mine was searching through her blankets for a cat. I assumed it was a stuffed animal cat; however, what emerged from under the covers was a balloon animal in the shape of a cat. What was most impressive was that it was made out of hospital gloves. The patient was so relieved to find her cat. The parent told me that her daughter's OR nurse had made it for her. I later discovered that the talented nurse behind the balloon was Jason. His balloon designs are not limited solely to cats. He has a plethora of designs, including butterflies and elephants. The balloon cat may seem insignificant to others, but to that little girl, it was probably the best part of going to the hospital. Most healthy children's exposure to health care is limited to doctor's appointments, during which they may receive shots or finger pokes. Therefore, when a child has to undergo surgery, he/she is generally quite anxious and fearful of the unknown. When a nurse like Jason takes the extra time to engage with patients and make connections, patients are put at ease, and their anxiety is lessened. Jason is a gift to his patients and co-workers, and I am so glad to be on his team!