Javondra Wright
January 2024
Family Beginnings
Prisma Health Tuomey
United States
She prevented something much worse from happening to me due to her patience and excellent clinical judgment.
First of all Javondra is an extremely kind, caring and knowledgeable person who is a perfect fit for a career in nursing. I was experiencing a lot of pain a couple of days after my C-section that was not resolving and getting worse. Javondra took the extra time that no one else had to listen to me. She told me that she did not feel my pain was normal, and she didn’t want me to think that she had to suffer. She ended up deciding to bladder scan me and discovered I was retaining a lot of urine and not successfully emptying my bladder. After inserting an in/out catheter, I felt an immense amount of relief. My bladder was so full that the doctor said it may not have been long before my bladder ruptured. Javondra made a great call. Javondra was also very attentive, patient, and engaged during the whole shift that she worked with me. It was clear that she cared for me and assisted in my recovery. She prevented something much worse from happening to me due to her patience and excellent clinical judgment. I believe that is what makes a great nurse and someone deserving of the DAISY award.