Jeana S. Brown
September 2022
Jeana S.
Community Living Center
West Texas VA Health Care System
Big Spring
United States
Long story short, because Jeana was so persistent and got me in to see the doctor that day, I was able to see an oncologist as soon as the test results came back positive for cancer.
The fact is, this nurse saved my life. I told Jeana I was having swelling in my neck on the right side. She felt my neck and told me that she was concerned and asked me to stay to see the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) team. I did not want to because I had things that needed to be done. She went and talked with the doctor, and he saw me that day because she really advocated for me. Long story short, because she was so persistent and got me in to see the doctor that day, I was able to see an oncologist as soon as the test results came back positive for cancer. My cancer had spread to my lymph node and had already advanced to stage 4. But by the grace of God and an Excellent nurse, I am here today. My last chemo and radiation treatment were done in December. The stomach tube was pulled out. Because of Nurse Brown my girlfriend'st faith has been restored.