Jeanette McMullen
November 2019
Plastic Surgery – The Woodlands
Texas Children's Hospital
United States




My 7-year-old son sustained severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns to his leg from a dirt bike accident. We were frantically trying to get an appointment with the plastic surgery department, but we were told the wait time was at least two weeks. Nurse Jeanette happened to see B's referral request and noted that he was in extreme pain during dressing changes and that he was having great difficulty walking. Instead of filing the referral away until our scheduled appointment, she called me immediately.
With patience and concern, Jeanette listened to me recount the accident and explain how we were told to care for the burn. She listened intently then proceeded to walk me through exactly how I should actually be treating the wound. She heard me, and genuinely cared, when I told her that the dressing changes were taking up to an hour each time and that my son was left crying. Sometimes screaming in pain each change because the pads were adhering to the burn and ripping the skin each time. She felt his pain and my mother's guilt and pain during our conversations - she empathized. Ms. Jeanette then said she felt that I couldn't wait any longer and had me come into her clinic. This was a Friday, late afternoon, on a day that Ms. Jeanette did not even see patients in the clinic. She waited for us to drive down to her (approximately 30-40 minutes) and then cared for my son on her own time, with no appointment. She cleaned and treated his massive burn and did it with a genuine smile and did so in a manner that put my son at ease. She talked to him on his level, played around with him to help comfort him, and treated him as a loved friend. She comforted my broken heart and helped me to understand how to correctly care for him and his injury.
Jeanette provided me with supplies to help through the weekend and was able to find an open appointment for Monday. Jeanette did all of this through the kindness of her heart. It was almost closing time on a Friday afternoon. She could have easily put our referral information aside and began her weekend. She did not know us, (we were not her patients) and she had no obligation to help us. Jeannette selflessly took the time to care! She did this knowing she would not be compensated, knowing that her supervisors would not know to give her recognition, knowing full well a fellow human was suffering and in pain. She is quite frankly an angel on earth. She epitomizes the compassion, professionalism, and concern that embodies the healthcare profession, but is oftentimes lacking due to time constraints and various obstacles in patient care.
I wholeheartedly proclaim Ms. Jeanette is the most loving and selfless healthcare provider we have ever had the pleasure of meeting. She quite possibly saved my son's mobility and I will forever be indebted to her and thankful for her. She is simply incredible.