Jenna Jennings
February 2016
Carolinas HealthCare System NorthEast
United States




Jenna has only been a nurse on the unit for a few months now, but she has already touched my heart. In the middle of her busy day today, she found the time to take a patient who has no family and has been in the hospital for days now, on a walk. Jenna walked her all the way to the pineapple fountain, stopping to let her see the paintings and to soak up some sunshine. Her love for others is truly amazing! Instead of being frustrated, she showed love and kindness. The patient may not remember her taking the time to walk with her, but I will. Anyone that can look at you on their 5th day and say "I'm here because I want to be" and still have patience and compassion is great in my book! She is an amazing nurse and I am proud to work with her!