Jenna Katon
March 2023
Birthplace-Labor & Delivery
Dupont Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States




Jenna helped coach and encourage me through the very end.

I was admitted for induction due to elevated blood pressure at 37 weeks pregnant. Jenna was my L & D nurse for two nights in a row, I cannot fully describe how she helped me through this process. From night one she was kind and compassionate. She explained everything to the best of her ability and kept me and my midwife team up to date on everything. She kept my physician and emotional health into consideration at every step.

Jenna wanted to know my birth plan from the start and even though almost nothing went to plan due to medical reasons. She did everything in her power to make my birth experience meaningful and how I wanted it. When it came time to actually labor and push, she was an invaluable part of my support team. There were so many times I felt I couldn’t push through and felt like giving up. She helped coach and encourage me through the very end and I can not thank her enough for helping to see my vaginal birth happen. She knew I did not want a c-section and without her I think I would have ended up with a C-section.

When my baby girl was born, Jenna moved right into action and had the NICU team called right away when my baby girl needed help breathing. She kept me informed about my baby when I wasn't able to be there for her. She literally and metaphorically held my hand through what was the hardest thing I have ever done. I value her part of my care and support team even over that of my actual midwife.

There were parts of my birth story that were very traumatic and did not go according to any plan. I wouldn't change Jenna’s presence in my story in any way. I am so grateful for everything she did for me, my husband, and most importantly our beautiful girl. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Keep doing the good work you are doing. There are so many other mom’s that need L & D nurses like you. Thank you, Jenna.