Jennifer Abraham
October 2023
Pediatric/MedSurg E Unit
Asante Three Rivers Medical Center
Grants Pass
United States
Jennifer sat with her for well over an hour, talking with her and comforting her, while at the same time helping the former patient get to the Emergency Room so that the former patient could get the medical help and crisis intervention that the patient needed.
A former patient called the E unit and spoke with Jennifer Abraham, who was her previous nurse. The former patient had remembered Jennifer from when she was her nurse and felt comfortable sharing with Jennifer some of the struggles that the patient was having in their life. The former patient shared with Jennifer over the phone that she was feeling suicidal. Jennifer was able to get the former patient to agree to come to the hospital and talk with Jennifer. Jennifer sat with her for well over an hour, talking with her and comforting her, while at the same time helping the former patient get to the Emergency Room so that the former patient could get the medical help and crisis intervention that the patient needed. While in the Emergency Room, Jennifer stayed with the patient until the patient was checked into a room. When I saw the patient with Jennifer, it was evident that the patient trusted her to disclose they were feeling like harming herself. And even though Jennifer had her current patient's that she had to attend to, she saw that this former patient needed immediate help and she was able to help her.