Jennifer Accarino
February 2024
United States
With Jennifer here, joy and hope filled the room. Her explanation of all tasks from start to finish was honest and heartfelt each time.
My wife J was diagnosed in September 2023 with AML with Mutated red blood cells. She had 3 rounds of chemo, 6 rounds of radiation and a stem cell transplant. Due to this and a virus, J became neurologically unstable. She was moved down to the ICU from the BMT. We are still here almost a month later as my wife is almost well enough to go back upstairs to the BMT. I'm sure many know that doesn't happen very often. The fear in that transfer was more than I could take after months of watching my wife suffer day in and day out. Fighting for her life was never in our life plan. We had many amazing nurses, but one outshined the rest. Her kindness and compassion for my wife was undeniable. Her constant care was one thing, her above and beyond efforts were some I hadn't seen before. My staying in the ICU for 17 days, day and night, was very hard. We have four children at home, and I have been devastated by the limited amount of time I have seen them. Normally, I don't go for 3 hours without doing something with them. My heart is broken for my wife and my kids equally. This is where Jennifer jumped in and not only took care of my wife but took on me and managed my emotions to no end.
Her kindness, empathy, and ability to take so much on her shoulders was next level and not seen before. I could type for days and days about her. Fact is, seeing your wife on a ventilator and in her condition will never be ok. With Jennifer here, joy and hope filled the room. Her explanation of all tasks from start to finish was honest and heartfelt each time. We talked about our families and found that my mother knew her mother-in-law in Alabama in the 50s, and they grew up together. My mother sent Jennifer a picture of a bible that her children's great-grandfather, who was a pastor at their childhood church, gave her and wrote a message to my mom inside. Jennifer's children get to see a bible written in by their great-grandfather (priceless). Tears followed.
No doubt god had his hand in us meeting Jennifer for multiple days of care. I truly wouldn't have been able to make it through all of this without a nurse like her. She showed me how to smile again. She is one of the reasons my wife will have more time to fight this and come home to me and my kids. It would be the worst decision if this young lady doesn't get held high and recognized for being the best of the best in all of your criteria. She is Northside Hospital and the reason people return. Angels come in all forms.
Her kindness, empathy, and ability to take so much on her shoulders was next level and not seen before. I could type for days and days about her. Fact is, seeing your wife on a ventilator and in her condition will never be ok. With Jennifer here, joy and hope filled the room. Her explanation of all tasks from start to finish was honest and heartfelt each time. We talked about our families and found that my mother knew her mother-in-law in Alabama in the 50s, and they grew up together. My mother sent Jennifer a picture of a bible that her children's great-grandfather, who was a pastor at their childhood church, gave her and wrote a message to my mom inside. Jennifer's children get to see a bible written in by their great-grandfather (priceless). Tears followed.
No doubt god had his hand in us meeting Jennifer for multiple days of care. I truly wouldn't have been able to make it through all of this without a nurse like her. She showed me how to smile again. She is one of the reasons my wife will have more time to fight this and come home to me and my kids. It would be the worst decision if this young lady doesn't get held high and recognized for being the best of the best in all of your criteria. She is Northside Hospital and the reason people return. Angels come in all forms.