Jennifer Anderson
November 2023
Generations Fertility Care
UW Health
United States




She had so many funny stories, and she had the best, ongoing personality.  She made me instantly less nervous and also made me laugh several times, which I appreciated. 
I have struggled with fertility, having had some losses as well as some difficulty getting pregnant.  When I first started my journey at Generations Fertility Clinic, I was hopeful and nervous.  We ended up going through several IUI treatments with no success, so needless to say, my hope was declining.  We started our IVF journey a few months back and knew it would be a long, stressful road ahead.  Today, I had my egg retrieval after waiting a couple of months, and my nerves were through the roof.  While my husband and I waited in the lobby area, an energetic, smiley nurse named Jennifer called us back to get started.  Right from the get-go, she radiated positivity, and I could tell she genuinely cared for her patients.

As we sat in the “waiting area” while she got me set up with my IV, she went through our plan for the day in detail, while also being transparent and encouraging.  She kept saying, “Today Is a Great Day,” and saying encouraging words.  She took the time to “get to know us” by asking questions and sharing some information about herself.  She had so many funny stories, and she had the best, ongoing personality.  She made me instantly less nervous and also made me laugh several times, which I appreciated.  She talked about her family and even gave us some zucchini from her garden that she had brought into work that day, which was extremely thoughtful.

As we went back to the procedure room, she made sure I knew she was there by having her hand on my shoulder.  She went the extra mile by making me feel relaxed.  After waking from my procedure, she gave us the great news that we had 22 eggs that were retrieved!  She was so excited about this result and made sure to let us know that it was great news as well.

As we checked out for the day, she walked us out and gave me a hug.  I knew at that moment that everything was going to be OK.