Jennifer Lewis Welch
December 2021
St. Charles Health System - Prineville Campus
United States




Jennifer worked to establish a relationship with the patient and was able to deescalate his behavior.
A patient was presented to the ED stating he was severely hypoglycemic. He was challenging to the security and admitting staff as he believed his blood glucose to be in the 40s. Jennifer worked to establish a relationship with the patient and was able to deescalate his behavior. She asked more clarifying questions on why he thought he was hypoglycemic and how he was monitoring that. He stated he was using a Dexcom CGM. Jennifer explained she was familiar with the monitor and asked if she could assess his site along with seeing his phone. His CGM site and sensor patch were not intact, He did not have a secure patch over the sensor, his app displayed erratic readings and the graph was not on a consistent patch which indicated that his sensor was not reading properly. She retested him with a hospital monitor and his readings were fine. She showed him the reading which eased his mind.

Jennifer identified an opportunity for some additional education regarding troubleshooting his monitor, using his finger stick glucometer at home to calibrate the monitor. She was able to reach out to his primary provider and helped him navigate the customer service feature in his Dexcom app, and various other educational advice. The ED providers were also very thankful to Jennifer as it saved the patient unnecessary labs and scans that would have kept the patient in the ED for several hours. The patient was very grateful that she did a thorough assessment and troubleshot he truly needed.