Jennifer Williams
January 2023
Memorial Community Hospital and Health System
United States




She has a bubbly personality and she truly lets that bubbly happy personality shine each and every day!
Jenny is the true definition of an Extraordinary Nurse! She has been my nurse off and on during my approximate three-week stay here. She is so friendly and kind, she always has a smile on her face, I have never seen her without a smile. She takes time with her patients and makes sure they have what they need before she leaves the room. If she has to go get something she says she’ll be right back and she truly does come right back! She makes patients feel welcome and as close to home as they can be while being away from home! She always went above and beyond her duties and responsibilities daily while working. She would put my hair up in a tie simply because she took the time. If every hospital or facility had a Jenny there taking care of patients the world would be a better place. The world would be full of so much happiness! She has a bubbly personality and she truly lets that bubbly happy personality shine each and every day! I could go on and on about her but I will leave it at this, Jenny deserves this award more than anyone I know. I have seen lots of nurses over the past year being in and out of the hospital and rehab facilities and nobody has made me feel so good about being away from home than Jenny has.