Jessica Lucash
May 2021
LIFE St. Francis
Trinity Health PACE
United States




Jessica’s not only a knowledgeable nurse but a wonderful human being.
Jessica is a very caring nurse for all of the participants that she is responsible for here at LIFE St. Francis. She never hesitates to advocate for their needs. She is very patient and listens to the participants' concerns. Jessica will take the time to get to know them so that she can provide the best care for them. Her flexibility is wonderful as she will work in our wellness clinic, perform home visits, and do on-call with a smile. She is great at communicating with our IDT any concerns or issues with any of our PPT’s. Jessica is an amazing Jill-of-all-trades nurse who is willing to work in any position and go above and beyond in whatever situation she is in. She is intelligent, compassionate, selfless, humorous, and much more. She is a team player who offers as much to her co-workers as she does to her patients.

So, I’d like to tell you a little bit about Jessica, and I have to tell you more than one story because she does so many wonderful things that one story won’t give you the whole picture of her. First of all, Jessica’s a great person to work with. When COVID-19 started no one knew very much about it and we all had fears and questions. Jessica was the bravest one in the room during our meetings because she always asked the difficult questions that were on everyone else’s mind. All of the staff appreciated her doing that.

Another time we were discussing a situation in which one of our home health aides wasn’t being treated very well by one of our participants and Jessica again was the first one to speak up and say that that type of behavior shouldn’t be tolerated and that it should be addressed with the participant. These examples tell you that she’s not afraid of difficult conversations and that she’s a team player. But the most wonderful thing I have to tell you about Jessica is that she is the kind of nurse that you pray for.

One of my sons had cancer when he was young and I would pray before taking him to his procedures that we would have a nurse that was technically competent and, more importantly, be compassionate and kind to him. Jessica is that type of nurse. Last week I went into the clinic and saw one of my participants that looked upset. I asked him what was wrong, and he had gotten some bad news about having a brain mass. He really needed someone to talk to. I got interrupted with another patient issue and when I turned around Jessica was kneeling down by him looking up at the participant (he is in a wheelchair) and listening intently to what he was saying. Jessica stepped in thankfully and listened with concern. She instinctually does things like this all the time. Jessica’s not only a knowledgeable nurse but a wonderful human being.