Jihuon Yun
May 2023
Infusion Treatment Area
Stanford Health Care
Palo Alto
United States




Her advocacy for this particular patient quite possibly saved his life
A patient arrived at the clinic for a scheduled treatment and was assigned to Jihuon. He reported new abdominal pain at the time and was feeling anxious about the appointment and Jihuon reported the patient did not have any of his own pain medications with him. Jihuon consulted with APP, the patient's oncology team, and an addiction medicine specialist because of the special circumstance.

However, she was still concerned about the patient and persisted in following up with the APP to evaluate the patient. Although there were no obvious significant findings on the physical assessment besides the patient’s subjective report and Jihuon’s gut feeling, the APP felt it was reasonable to do an abdominal X-ray to ensure there were no issues prior to starting the treatment. The APP ordered a KUB that was expected to return negative. To her surprise, the exam came back with significantly abnormal results, and the patient was immediately transferred to the ED, subsequently admitted to acute stay, and hospitalized for 18 days. Jihuon is well known for her care and concern for patients. She approaches the care of her patients in an evidence-based fashion however her assessment of this patient lead her to reach out to providers on three different occasions to seek resolution to her concerns for the safety of this patient. Her advocacy for this particular patient quite possibly saved his life by not administering chemotherapy in his compromised state.