Jill Dainty
March 2021
Labor & Delivery
Lakeland Regional Health




I often see myself looking up to Jill as a role model and someone I strive to be like.
First off, Jill should get "best in show" for her work ethic and professionalism! I've been on Labor & Delivery for two and a half years and she treats every patient equally, no matter their status or situation. She is kind and humble with any of the orientees or shadowing prospects that venture on our unit. A mother of two and a strong wife. I often see myself looking up to Jill as a role model and someone I strive to be like. I've seen her comfort patients and cry with patients...push for hours or even deal with a stillborn baby the mom has carried for 39 weeks, decorated the nursery, and been over the moon ecstatic for their first baby. I've seen her hold the hands of the broken-hearted and bring some real joy to that room.