June 2024
Pacific Union College
United States




But what stands out the most to me is that she not only listened to me, treated me with respect, didn't make me feel rushed, and methodically cared for me, paying attention to every little detail both physically and mentally.
I arrived at the Emergency Department, and I was instantly brought into a room where I was met by Jillian and another nurse, with some other faces popping in and out throughout my time there. Jillian spoke with me like a friend, like we had known each other for years. Jillian didn't seem to be phased by my orange appearance or my dry humor like other nurses had. Jillian made me feel...welcomed, even in the ER. Fast forward to many tests later, a scan, and 2 hours waiting, Jillian kept popping her head in to check on me to make sure everything was ok, even checking in to see if I needed my phone charged because I was complaining how fast the batteries drain as I mindlessly scrolled through emails. You are probably thinking the same thing as me: I'm in the emergency room. Why do I need my phone charged? Well, remember that part that I said I felt like I'd known Jillian my whole life? I guess I told her my whole life story, and she listened. Jillian knew my wife and kids were out of state and they were unaware I was even in the emergency department, because why did they need to be bothered, I was fine.. until I wasn't. Next thing I know Jillian comes in and checks my blood pressure again and casually suggests putting on the heart monitor stickers, I agree and she continues. As she was strategically placing these very sticky stickers on my chest, she explained the next few steps but was cut off mid-sentence as 3 doctors entered my room... I don't remember what happened next, the silence of the room when the door shut behind the last doctor filing in or Jillian silently excusing herself, or so she thought. I turned to her and chuckled, "Oh no, you're staying with me! There's three of them and one of me." Although I do not recall Jillian saying anything, I do remember her being present the entire time. Am I going to be ok? I just sat there in silence staring at my feet for what seemed to be an eternity. I finally looked up, and there she was, Jillian. She had finished the tasks like poking me again, sticking the world's stickiest stickers on my chest. She apparently neatly folded my clothes with my belongings into a plastic bag and handed me my phone, which somehow was charged to 98%. I needed my family, I needed to call my wife of over 30 years and tell her what I think I knew, even though I knew nothing. As I began to dial my phone, Jillian again silently slid out but didn't leave before catching my eye and me nodding in acceptance. She shut the door for me to tell my family our whole world was about to fall apart. I certainly won't ever forget Jillian for being my support person. Although I didn't even know she was a student until the ambulance drivers wheeled me out, I will never forget that day and the compassion all the staff showed me and that one student who didn't leave my side regardless. But what stands out the most to me is that she not only listened to me, treated me with respect, didn't make me feel rushed, and methodically cared for me, paying attention to every little detail both physically and mentally. My daughter graduated from PUC and recommended I reach out to her professors; now I'm sitting in the cancer center awaiting treatment, filling out a DAISY nomination for the student nurse who never gave up on me.