Jim Petti
May 2023
11 East Doan
The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center University Hospital
United States
Jim found himself in a fight-or-flight situation and acted to protect all involved, even at the cost of himself.
Jim always takes the time to speak with his patients. He not only speaks but also connects with them. He is the first to remind struggling patients that we are all in this together and that we have to keep striving to be better. But what do you do when a patient is unable to verbalize or even physically communicate their needs? Jim, like many who take care of such patients, watches, critically assesses the situation, and moves forward with plans of care that help the patient show comfort.
The patient in question was in and out of restraints and unable to communicate coherently or show signs of understanding. They would become agitated and lash out verbally and/or physically. Jim took the time to speak to the sitters to explain what was happening and spoke with the patient's wife, who would often suggest ideas to help calm the individual. Knowing that the patient becomes violent quickly, Jim explained this to the sitter and medicated the patient appropriately to help them calm down while removing the restraints, in accordance with the plan of care. The patient was compliant, and a positive shift ensued.
Towards the end of the shift, the patient became agitated. Jim entered the room to find the patient staring at the sitter and advancing quickly towards her. Jim gained the patient's attention and removed the sitter from the room. The patient attacked Jim, not knowing where he was or what was going on. Jim was scratched, hit, and bruised. The sitter was unharmed, and security returned the patient to restraint, also unscathed.
When asked how he was feeling after the incident, Jim replied, "I'm fine. I got a scratch and a bruise. I can't believe he's back in a pose bed. We were having such a good day. The doctors wanted him out. I wanted him out (of restraints). This kills me that he's back in the bed." The conversation continued regarding the patient's plan of care and his wife's feelings about his digression.
This level of patient-centered thinking and dedication to coworkers is not an uncommon trait among 11ED staff. Jim found himself in a fight-or-flight situation and acted to protect all involved, even at the cost of himself. His patience, steadfastness, and resilience are a reflection of all staff on 11ED. We care for those who can't. We care for those who don't. We care.
The patient in question was in and out of restraints and unable to communicate coherently or show signs of understanding. They would become agitated and lash out verbally and/or physically. Jim took the time to speak to the sitters to explain what was happening and spoke with the patient's wife, who would often suggest ideas to help calm the individual. Knowing that the patient becomes violent quickly, Jim explained this to the sitter and medicated the patient appropriately to help them calm down while removing the restraints, in accordance with the plan of care. The patient was compliant, and a positive shift ensued.
Towards the end of the shift, the patient became agitated. Jim entered the room to find the patient staring at the sitter and advancing quickly towards her. Jim gained the patient's attention and removed the sitter from the room. The patient attacked Jim, not knowing where he was or what was going on. Jim was scratched, hit, and bruised. The sitter was unharmed, and security returned the patient to restraint, also unscathed.
When asked how he was feeling after the incident, Jim replied, "I'm fine. I got a scratch and a bruise. I can't believe he's back in a pose bed. We were having such a good day. The doctors wanted him out. I wanted him out (of restraints). This kills me that he's back in the bed." The conversation continued regarding the patient's plan of care and his wife's feelings about his digression.
This level of patient-centered thinking and dedication to coworkers is not an uncommon trait among 11ED staff. Jim found himself in a fight-or-flight situation and acted to protect all involved, even at the cost of himself. His patience, steadfastness, and resilience are a reflection of all staff on 11ED. We care for those who can't. We care for those who don't. We care.