Jody Johnson
October 2021
Fifth Floor Medical/Surgical Unit
United States




Jody has a certain awareness about her and is genuine in her concern for others; staff and patients included. This type of leadership and understanding has impacted our unit to deliver high standards of care committed to the safety and quality of our patients’ outcomes.
The last year has taken a toll on all of us. We have experienced emotions we may have never experienced before, seen things we have never seen before, and pushed ourselves in ways that would have otherwise been unimaginable. Through it all, we have had the guidance and support from our supportive and respected director and leader, Jody Johnson. When we think of the term ‘leader’ we think of a guide, someone who has commanding influence or authority. When we describe Jody, we think of much more than that.


She is someone who cares about her employees- if we are mentally healthy and strong then our patients will be equally taken care of in a similar way.


Jody has a “can do” attitude, especially in her ability to adapt to change and make sound decisions. Her attitude sets a wonderful example for us all, she is always willing to listen and help in any way she can. She is intuitive about how others are doing and feeling and gives sound advice and coaching when needed.


Jody is proud to be a nurse! She demonstrates this by motivating others with HonorHealth’s shared values. She finds the importance in educating staff and encourages them to critically think when it comes to patient outcomes. Jody has a certain awareness about her and is genuine in her concern for others; staff and patients included. She happens to be quite devoted to team norms and culture on the unit continuously motivating us to honor and respect our peers all the while putting an emphasis on teamwork. In fact, she is not afraid to jump in and help when times are busier on the unit or cover for the supervisors so we can take a class and improve our knowledge of hospital operations. This type of leadership and understanding has impacted our unit to deliver high standards of care committed to the safety and quality of our patients’ outcomes.


Shortly after I started working at HonorHealth as a bedside nurse on the 5th Floor I was immediately impressed with Jody and her leadership abilities. She is easy to communicate with and really believes in helping others achieve their goals, which in my opinion is the best way to foster an environment of growth within staff so they can provide the best care for their patients. Once in a random conversation, she asked me what I planned to do with nursing, and I told her that I had recently finished my MSN in Leadership and was working on my MBA in healthcare administration. I told her that I was working towards a path of higher leadership in Nursing. She immediately offered to train me as a relief supervisor, even though I had only worked on the unit for a few months. I was completely floored to have that opportunity so early on in my time with HonorHealth. Now working for her as a supervisor has shown me just how much she wants other staff members to reach their goals. I have seen firsthand how she promotes others and helps them find the path that they want their Nursing career to take. That to me is true leadership in this industry; helping others find their passion. I believe that her dedication to the staff has shown staff the culture Jody wants for the unit is one they would want to bring their friends in on and that is shown by just how many new hires we have starting based on word of mouth from our current employees.


Jody exemplifies the true meaning of being a “Leader”. She encourages each and every team member to better themselves, whether it is on a professional or personal level. This also includes herself, as she is always setting new goals/tasks to accomplish as well. The amount of time she spends sending out emails to staff each week with updates concerning our unit, and her dedication to attend the staff huddle in the mornings proves her commitment to our team. Her awareness of when someone is struggling emotionally or mentally is implausible. There is never a time that she will not drop whatever she is doing to make herself available to staff. For these very reasons, she illustrates her role as a leader.


Jody is extremely visible and has a presence on the unit, which is a big deal specifically for night shift. She is approachable, has an open-door policy, and is responsive to the staffs’ needs – quickly escalating any issues.


Jody creates a safe environment for staff, makes you feel comfortable, and acts as a friend, but also a boss. She encourages you and pushes you to do things you want to do. Based on Jody’s actions of dedication and devotion to our unit, our patients, and our community we would like to recognizer her as a DAISY Nurse Leader. An opportunity for us; her staff, peers, colleagues, and friends to highlight and share our gratitude for her outstanding Nursing Leadership.