John Jenc Jr
December 2022
Jenc Jr
Outpatient Infusion Center
WellSpan York Hospital
United States




He takes a genuine interest in me and my family and remembers details from our previous conversations and asks about them the next time I see him.
I have been coming to the infusion center weekly since November for 7 plus hours at a time. My health issues have been a burden in many ways and at times I would despair. But one of the wonderful things about the infusion center is its large windows. I love looking outside at the trees and seeing the seasons change, watching the birds, and enjoying the sunshine. It is uplifting to my spirits. John noticed my love for looking outside, and every time he was assigned to me, he would turn my chair and make sure the blinds were open before I arrived so that I could easily look outside. One time, he even rearranged all his patient assignments for the entire day so that I could have the corner room with the best outside view of them all. It is such as kind and thoughtful thing for him to do, and this small gesture has been so meaningful to me.

I have seen countless specialists in the past 18 months, and unfortunately, in many of my healthcare interactions, I felt like I was just another indistinguishable patient defined by my disease and have acutely felt the time crunch of providers being overburdened with too many patients and not enough time. John stands out, as he makes me feel like a unique person; a patient worth caring about. He takes a genuine interest in me and my family and remembers details from our previous conversations and asks about them the next time I see him. He knows that I feel like a burden for being at the center for so long, and he makes an intentional point to say that I am his easiest patient, which really eases my mind.

My health issues have been the hardest thing that I have gone through in my life. I am so grateful and thankful to John, as he has truly helped make the burden of my health issues lighter to carry. While I am spotlighting John, I do feel that is important to note that the infusion center nurses are uniformly wonderful, friendly, and caring people. This is truly a special environment.