John Joseph (Joe) Facundo
December 2023
John Joseph (Joe)
ICU Step-down
Sinai Hospital
United States




He made sure that my wife was in comfort and no pain, he led a prayer, he brushed my wife's hair, and he sang while touching my wife's hand just for her to feel that she was not alone during that time.
I appreciate all the unexceptional care and effort that Joe gave to my beloved wife, who just recently passed away. It's still hard for me to accept that my beloved wife already passed away, and the hardest part of it is that I wasn't able to be with her physically due to my claustrophobia. I've tried to conquer my phobia just to see my wife on the 6th floor, but I really can't do it. Joe really made an effort, despite his busy day, to help me and my wife to see each other even though not physically but virtually, he comforted me and patiently assisted me in knowing how to do Zoom so that me and my wife would be able to see each other and say my final words to her. I've also witnessed how he really took care of my wife and treated her as if she were his own family. He made sure that my wife was in comfort and no pain, he led a prayer, he brushed my wife's hair, and he sang while touching my wife's hand just for her to feel that she was not alone during that time. I don't know how I can repay the kindness that Joe did, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you Joe, and I appreciate all of your hard work and efforts.  God bless you. 


Once in a lifetime, we all meet a special person that you stop and thank the lord for putting that person in your life. Joe is compassionate, and caring and his professionalism is beyond compare. He never took any of my symptoms for granted. He always informed the doctor of any new changes, even if they were minimal.  He always kept me informed of my condition. He gave me the best comfort, and care beyond words, and gave me strength at a time when I was so sick. He always starts my day with that big smile on his face and always says "Good morning 2x, let's start the day with a big smile on our face and let's ready to rumble," which I find so powerful because those encouraging and positive words, it uplifts my will to fight and conquer the condition that I have. He would encourage me to give my best every day, and after a long shift, I could tell he was tired, but as soon as he stepped into my room, he was always full of energy, speaking to me with his gentle voice with such love. I cannot thank Joe enough for all he did. I will always appreciate his kind ways. It is so good and comforting to know that we can get such good care and service from a hospital. 


Every day Joe provided me with exemplary service, starting from the beginning of his shift to the last moment. He had anticipated most of my needs without me having to make any requests, going beyond assisting me in the obvious. He is an intuitive, thoughtful, and mature person. He is a credit to Sinai Hospital. 


My mother battled a lot of critical conditions, especially cancer, for a long time, and just recently my mother passed away peacefully at Sinai. I'd like to commend Joe for being such a wonderful and awesome nurse to my mother during her stay at IMC. He was our sunshine in our dark times. Ever since we met him, he always radiates that positive aura through his smile and warm voice to all of us, he was there taking care of my mom so compassionately. He treats my mom as if she is his own mom, he makes sure that my mom is warm and comfortable, he spends time praying every day with my mom in her room, and he always took action for every symptom/discomfort and unusual event that my mom had during her stay at IMC. The one thing that I cannot forget is during the time that my mom was so critical, as if she was choking and even though he was not the nurse assigned to my mom during that time, he always came to visit to check the situation of my mom, and when that choking event happened, he was there to respond to my mom rapidly and avoiding her death from aspiration. Joe is the best example of compassion, care, and skills of a nurse. The kindness and compassion that he showed to my mother is unparalleled. I thank the Lord for putting him where he can help his people and from the bottom of my heart, we want to say thank you, and we will always remember him with gratitude. 


Please accept my sincerest recommendation for Joe to be honored as the most outstanding, Extraordinary Nurse that I've ever met in my entire life. He delivered such quality care during my stay at Sinai Hospital. His positive and upbeat personality has been a real game-changer that truly improved my condition during this hospitalization. He has brought sincere joy and given me a reason to uplift my emotions, to smile and be happy after being depressed and confused for a while. 
Joe has stepped well beyond his expected scope of duties to ensure that I am comfortable and that all of my concerns are being taken care of, especially this particular time, when I've been suffering from severe constipation where all of the medicine and enemas are not working. For three days, I've suffered from severe pain in my bottom. I was sleepless and agitated because of the uneasiness that I'd felt before, but Joe was there to rescue me from that horrible pain and discomfort. He initiated and used his skill and manually evacuated all of my feces from me, which really removed all the pain, discomfort, and fullness that I'd felt for days. After that, my condition skyrocketed to a 100% recovery, and a few days later, I was discharged from the hospital. 
In addition, even though I know he has a multitude of other responsibilities, he still managed to take time to listen to me and to engage us in real conversation, since I was really struggling with my emotions back then. He also attended to even the smallest tasks to ensure that I was comfortable and well cared for at all times, considering that I felt pain in my legs at even the lightest touch, but he still managed to turn me every 1-2 hours so that I would not sustain any pressure sores, and relieve my back pain and soreness. He never made me feel that my needs were a problem. Instead, he always works with me all day long with that angelic voice and charming smile. 
He saved my life and made my stay at Sinai the best among other hospitals I've been to. 
If I only had the money and the ability, I would build him a bronze statue to honor him. 
Joe is simply a cut above the rest and very deserving of this honor. Thank you for your consideration and for providing such a kind and compassionate professional to serve and care for me.