Joseph Thomas Allen
February 2024
Joseph Thomas
Trinity Health Muskegon
United States




Tom is an angel who has a gift and a love for all people and makes patients feels as if they are his family.
My Grandma was admitted with a heart attack. She was recently diagnosed with dementia and lives at home with my Grandpa. Having a bad experience at previous places, we were overwhelmingly relieved by the kindness shown by the Trinity Health staff on the 6th floor. During her week stay, my Grandma had an episode which I thought she had passed or would be passing any moment. Staff stepped in, provided immediate interventions, and as my Grandma came to, she couldn't move or speak. Tom came to us in the waiting room and told us that she had whispered in his ear where her husband was from- a key moment of relief to my Grandpa who witnessed no response prior. He stated that he would be praying for her and us. Over the next 2 days, Tom showed exceptional care. He not only would drop what he was doing to answer our questions, but he took the time to interact with us and wanted to learn everything he could about my Grandma. He was funny, caring and got my Grandma to be calm. One night, my Grandma's dementia had progressed into a day-long episode of anger, violence and tears from my family. An unrecognizable member of our family that created trauma for us. Even after his shift, Tom stayed with my Grandpa. He was able to have my Grandpa go home and sleep in his own bed- because every night/day, he stayed with my Grandma- even if it meant sitting in a chair and sleeping slumped over in a bedside table just to hold her hand through the night. Tom recognized the love between my Grandparents and did everything in his power to accommodate them and reassure my Grandpa that his sweetheart was in good hands. Tom acted fast in moments of medical distress and family distress. He didn't just treat the patient, he truly treated the whole family. This kind of nurse is simply out of this world. In my opinion, Tom is an angel who has a gift and a love for all people and makes patients feels as if they are his family. We have had tears and laughter, shared candid moments and explained in our terms what procedures are and what it does and so forth. I can't say anything more about Tom in caring for Grandma. He took our minds off the pain and stepped in when our hearts were breaking. This man deserves the highest recognition for his above and beyond excellence in nursing and people skills. You'll always be remembered in our hearts as an angel. Thank you, Tom; you truly are an amazing human being, and we are so honored to have met you.