Joshua Laarman
June 2024
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
Grand Rapids
United States




Josh truly made a difference in that young man’s life that day, whether the patient realized it yet or not, and he did so with love and grace.
Nomination #1:
I was in the hallway at Pine Rest when a situation unfolded that helped me personally and demonstrated great care, patience, and situational awareness by Nurse Josh. When another patient became very upset and angry, screaming out they want to leave, Josh immediately came out and calmly engaged the patient. Even as the patient escalated in anger and potential violence towards Josh, he remained calm and continued trying to de-escalate the situation even at potential risk of being hurt himself. Although Josh and a tech eventually had to restrain the patient, Josh did so gently and with respect, recognizing the patient was just screaming out for help and not just angry or wanting to hurt anyone. Even if Josh and I had not interacted and conversed throughout the past few days, as he has been my nurse, demonstrating his kindness and compassion towards me, watching that situation and Nurse Josh’s response to it would have been enough alone to warrant filling out this nomination form. Josh truly made a difference in that young man’s life that day, whether the patient realized it yet or not, and he did so with love and grace. Thank you, Josh

Nomination #2:
Josh was a good listener when I needed it. He got me the gluten free diet I was needing and got me a Boost drink when I was having trouble eating. He was very supportive and kind. That’s a great example of a nurse, especially in this environment. Thanks, Josh. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!

Nomination #3:
Josh is the best! The first day I was in here, he listened to me vent and really cared for what I was going through. I also felt he advocated for me with my meds and explained them very well. Thank you for everything, Josh!