Judy Jung
May 2021
MultiOrgan Transplant and Medical Specialties
The Hospital for Sick Children




Every day Judy asks what she can do to help the CSN's and bedside nurses navigate the acuity, difficult conversations, trouble with equipment or supply shortages.
It is such an honor to nominate Judy, and to have her as our Manager on 6AB. Right from the start of her joining our team, Judy has stood out as the most supportive, patient, hard-working, professional manager that I have worked with in 21 years at SickKids. There is no one more willing to empower our team and make us feel like she has our back at every turn. She is available any time a staff member or family needs to talk. She listens with an open mind and provides support, even in difficult situations. She's the first person to celebrate accomplishments and make her staff feel appreciated.

During many difficult shifts, we have discovered a cart filled with coffee and treats to get us through the day. Her office is always open and there's a basket of candy waiting for you when you just need to vent. When you are going through a tough time personally, Judy not only wants to know about it, but offers a listening ear, an empathetic heart, and a solution to making things better, whenever possible. She can make the most awkward constructive criticism feel like a soft suggestion when giving feedback. She creates a trusting environment where nurses know they can speak freely.

Every day Judy asks what she can do to help the CSN's and bedside nurses navigate the acuity, difficult conversations, trouble with equipment or supply shortages. She is happy to step in with parents when they have requests that go beyond appropriate hospital rules or etiquette. She sees all sides of a situation and lets each party know they are equally important when finding a solution. She makes people feel heard, and models that sometimes that's the most important step. She checks in with us prior to leaving work each day and is available after hours should we need to get an answer or provide an update on something complex.

Judy's nursing background is obvious in the way she approaches care and support of our families. And she makes time in her day to visit with parents and check in on them during long stays. The nursing leadership team is always aware of the vision of the hospital, our program, our unit, and our team. Through regular updates and scheduled meetings, we are kept abreast of the changing or evolving programs. We feel there is a clear plan in any situation and feel confident that we can do our work within the guidelines and focus she has provided.

With our inpatient numbers surging beyond our bed capacity consistently over the past year, she has helped navigate a plan on a routine basis. She's negotiated bed space with other programs and remained vigilant in keeping the communication open with other managers and leaders. Judy deserves this recognition for not only her daily approach to her job, but the added immense work she has encompassed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Every moment is met with a smile and positivity. She'll never complain and always see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even when she is not the priority for the vaccine, she has supported and celebrated her entire staff in their journey to get the first doses. She has ensured a safe environment for everyone, so we feel good about coming to work, or being able to work from home. She receives appreciation with humility and grace. She truly deserves to be celebrated for how she has supported us for years, and especially in this difficult past year!