Julia McLaughlin
January 2021
Mother Baby
Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown Campus




Nurse Julia continually made us feel important, confident, comfortable, and somehow (even though we know she had so many patients) she made us feel like we, along with our daughter, were her only priority.
When thinking about the birth of our daughter, there were so many things that we were nervous about and running through our heads, every day until she arrived. Some of the things that we thought about were who we would meet, who would help us take care of our daughter while we were at the hospital, or who would help us face all the unknowns we were about to experience? It is a daunting thing, bringing another human into this world, especially when it is your first child and even more so while the world is turned upside down due to a pandemic. We were faced with knowing our families would not be able to greet us and help us at the hospital and that we were going to solely rely on the help of the nurses and doctors at the hospital, all of whom were basically strangers. It was a nerve-wracking situation for soon-to-be parents.
Fortunately for us, we quickly met someone who would go above and beyond in a way that most new parents would only dream about. Nurse Julia is simply amazing! Without her kind heart, intelligent mind, and superb bedside manner, I am not sure that we would have ever left the hospital with our new daughter, and certainly not with the confidence that we did.
From the day we arrived, Nurse Julia went above and beyond! She continually made us feel important, confident, comfortable, and somehow (even though we know she had so many patients) she made us feel like we, along with our daughter, were her only priority. A's first hours in this world were rough, to say the least. She was not prepared to eat, and due to a blood sugar issue was in a constant state of being stabbed in the foot and upset. Nurse Julia worked with us to pass these hurdles. She made sure we did not see her as another nurse, running another test, but rather as a friend who was as vested in A's success as we were. Nurse Julia fed A herself, she brought in lactation consultants (multiple), she comforted both us and A as we struggled to watch A go through test after test. While it was emotional for us as new parents, Nurse Julia made sure that we knew that A would be okay and that we were doing a great job.
Nurse Julia is a great resource for any new parent, and we cannot say enough nice things about her and our experience with her. So often, in industries where people lack a plethora of choices, customer service is forgotten or nonexistent. It becomes overlooked because there is nowhere else to go when you have that need. Thanks to Nurse Julia, you can rest assured that customer service is not being overlooked at your facility. She is someone who will make the Labor and Delivery Department not only stand out but stand head and shoulders above the rest for years to come.
The dictionary defines a nurse as someone specifically trained to care for the sick or infirm. So, calling her "Nurse Julia" truly does not do enough to describe her. However, after a careful search, we have been unable to locate a word that fully describes what Nurse Julia not only did but also meant to us during our short time with her. While it may seem small in comparison to what she did for us, we hope she is recognized and knows how much our short time together meant for our new family.
Note: This is Julia's 2nd DAISY Award!