Julie King
February 2021
Hamilton Medical Center




Julie called around and found pricing on home blood pressure monitors, helped secure a monitor for the person, and taught the person and their spouse how to use the machine at home.
I'm writing to help you understand what an absolute treasure you have in this nurse, Julie King. Today, I witnessed her go above and beyond in terms of patient care. If I could legally give you the details of all she has done today, I would, but unfortunately, due to HIPPA, I realize I would likely be penalized. I will tell you what I can, though, in anonymous, gender-neutral terminology to protect patient privacy.
We have been caring for a person who has had a number of complications from the moment this person walked through our doors. This person has been what we typically label "non-compliant" due to the person not taking the prescribed medications for their condition. This led to a life-threatening event nearly costing this person and their newborn offspring their lives. This person has been our patient for several days now, and as this person is preparing to go home, Julie has:
1) Called to make this person a follow-up appointment at their OB-GYN office as this person does not have a primary care provider. Hopefully, our office will be able to help her in to see a PCP soon.
2) Collected all take-home medications for this person and wrote out a very detailed daily schedule of when to take each pill. The person says they like to use colors as a way to remember which pill is which, so Julie color-coded the schedule for the person. She made it easy, so this person only has to remember to take each pill as "breakfast" or "dinner", etc.
3) Julie called around and found pricing on home blood pressure monitors, helped secure a monitor for the person, and taught the person and their spouse how to use the machine at home.
4) Julie did all of this while still taking care of the person as a patient and caring for all of her other patients and all the while maintaining an upbeat, positive attitude.
In all my time in healthcare, I've never written a DAISY Award nomination. This should tell you how very impressed I am today and every day that I work with this outstanding nurse. Seeing her smiling face and hear her happy voice when I come into work instantly makes my day better because I know my dear patients have someone on their side who will do whatever it takes to make them healthy and happy.