Kaffy Ye
September 2018
Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center
Fountain Valley
United States
Our dad was diagnosed with lymphoma and spent almost all of the last 3 months at FVRH before he passed away. This was an extremely difficult and heartbreaking time for our dad and for us, his family. But we were blessed to have Kaffy as Dad's nurse during this period. Kaffy was very kind, understanding and empathetic. She treated my dad like he was her dad and the rest of us like we were her family. Dad respected Kaffy, he trusted her, and he developed a friendship with her. That made it easier for all of us knowing Dad was in good hands. Our dad and our family are devout Catholics and many prayers were said during these 3 long months. Kaffy was the answer to some of those prayers. She was Dad's angel in his time of need. And, she was our angel too. FVRH is very lucky to have such an exceptional nurse and person as Kaffy. We will never forget her!