Kaitie Luitjens
April 2021
Stem Cell Transplant
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Kaitie offered to stop by the cemetery and take a picture of my sister's graveside for me.
My sister passed away from cancer six weeks before I entered the hospital for my transplant. Because of COVID-19 restrictions and my disorder, I was unable to attend her funeral or to even visit her graveside, which is out of state. In talking with Kaitie about everything, she told me she is from a town very near to where my sister lived and is now buried. On one of her trips back to her hometown, Kaitie offered to stop by the cemetery and take a picture of my sister's graveside for me. That has touched me in so many ways, that someone would do that for me and for my sister. It doesn't seem like "thank you" is enough, and I want Kaitie to know her kindness will never be forgotten by me or my family.