Kara Yanni
January 2019
Lehigh Valley Hospital
United States
I believe that Kara's clinical instincts saved my life during my stay in the hospital. On the day I was scheduled to be discharged, I ate my breakfast and it didn't sit well. Later I ordered lunch hoping it would go better. Kara came into the room and instinctually knew something was wrong. She called the doctor and asked to postpone the discharge. Later that day, I spiked a high fever and was shaking uncontrollably with chills. I became delirious and began to speak unintelligibly and was not able to follow commands. Kara called a stroke alert. She remained calm and in control and I was transferred to ICU. After they ruled out a stroke, I was diagnosed with septic shock. Had it not been for her skill and instinct, I would most likely have been at home when this occurred, and the outcome may not have been as favorable. One of the doctors remarked that Kara "saved my life."