Karaline A Schmitz
August 2024
Karaline A
Tripler Army Medical Center
Tripler Army Medical Center
United States




Her hard work and attention to detail really showed the depth of her compassion, support, and empathy for bereaved families who had to leave her ward with empty arms and broken hearts.
CPT Karaline Schmitz exhibits admirable attributes as a peer, mentor, and nurse. She works in L&D, and I work in Mother Baby, so we interact frequently. Our CNS informed me that Karaline created a detailed orientation binder, implemented a preceptor program for their new nurses, and suggested I reach out, so I did. She was so gracious in sharing literally every single document and took the time to go through each one to explain them to me. Our orientation process was so unorganized, but utilizing her documents as a guideline, I was able to create our own binder and implement a preceptor program tailored to our ward. It has made our orientation process much more efficient, aids our preceptors in setting up our new nurses for success, and helps our new nurses feel more welcomed. 

Next, during a Code Purple on Mother Baby, Karaline was one of the L&D nurses who responded. I was a runner and grabbing things that were needed. I was asked to get the methergine and hemabate, which are kept in the refrigerator in the med room. She offered a piece of advice of putting it on ice, so it could be returned if we didn’t use it. After I got the medication and was entering the patient’s room, a doctor asked me to get the ultrasound machine, so I placed the medication on the table and left, without realizing that no one knew I had returned with the medication. After the code was cleared, Karaline took me aside and told me to make sure I announce when medications are brought into the room during a code, because no one knew it was there. The way she spoke to me was very respectful, and I really appreciated that.

Finally, not only is Karaline a great peer, but she is an amazing nurse. I first worked with her a little more closely when she planned TAMC's 'A Walk to Remember' in 2022 for families who have experienced perinatal loss. I was asked to be one of the guest speakers. As a loss mom myself, this event is so special, because it is a time to share our stories and remember our little ones who left us too soon. Her hard work and attention to detail really showed the depth of her compassion, support, and empathy for bereaved families who had to leave her ward with empty arms and broken hearts.

Karaline is very much deserving of a DAISY Award!