Karen Johnson
June 2020
Critical Care Unit
Riverside Regional Medical Center
Newport News
United States




We received a phone call this evening from a gentleman who was discharged from the Critical Care Unit. He wanted to express gratitude over the care that he received while being admitted to the unit. He states that all of the nurses were superb, but that there was one dayshift nurse who stood out to him today. Her names is Karen Johnson. She was the nurse caring for him prior to his discharge.
He stated that he knew his nurse was busy, but whenever she entered his room, she always made sure his needs were always met. There was one instance that really exceeded his expectations was when the Pharmacy Tech was in his room to discuss his medications that were filled in the pharmacy.
He told the Pharmacy Tech that he didn't have any cash on him to pay for his co-pay for his medication that was filled and that he would write them a check when his ride arrived at the hospital to transport him home. The nurse, Karen, had overheard the conversation and went down to the pharmacy to pick up his medication for him and also paid his co-pay for him as well.
When the patient realized what she did, he offered to pay her back, and all Karen said was that there was no need and to pay it forward.
He continued to express his gratitude to all the essential employees here at Riverside and that we were all "HEROS".