Karen Koch
March 2022
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital
St. Louis
United States




She was kind, compassionate, and caring, everything a nurse should encompass.
Karen is an angel. She is truly one of the most amazing nurses I have ever encountered, both professionally and personally. She was kind, compassionate, and caring, everything a nurse should encompass. She offered me coffee and water, which seems like such a small gesture, but it meant the absolute world to me. A day later, Karen saw "J's" name on the board and came into our room to see how we were doing. She came in and gave me a hug, and boy, did I need that hug. She proceeded to stay well after her shift was over to help place his IV and make sure we had everything we needed, and we weren’t even on her assignment. Karen assisted with getting paper scrubs after my son projectile vomited on me. Because of Dr. "Z" and Karen, we have switched all of our care to your hospital.