Karen Wright
October 2022
Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Karen supported this mother and the staff on the shift whilst also keeping her own emotions in check.
Karen is an exceptional nurse who cares deeply about her patients, their families, and the L38 team. Karen goes above and beyond when providing outstanding care for her patients, this can include Karen challenging doctors, speaking up and advocating for her patients, supporting patients and their families, and just being a familiar friendly face.
Karen has a great rapport not only with the L38 team but also with other members of staff across the hospital. This is shown through the utmost respect that the L38 team has for her alongside the team's confidence in knowing they can approach Karen with any concerns, difficulties, or worries. Karen will check in on staff on a regular basis, especially after a hard shift. Karen is a credit and asset to the team as well as giving great reassuring hugs. The following are only a handful of examples from multiple members of the team of just how much Karen has done for us all:
Following the passing of a long-term patient on the ward, Karen provided the highest level of dignity and respect to the patient and their mother who had changed their mind about her final wishes for her child. Karen supported this mother and the staff on the shift whilst also keeping her own emotions in check.
Karen has met and cared for numerous patients suffering from mental health problems including eating disorders and has been seen on multiple occasions going the extra mile to sit with them through difficult and challenging emotions, even sitting down on the floor to comfort them.
Karen always ensures the team is supported and protected when put in difficult situations in regard to staffing. She 'fights' for the best and safest outcome for us to make sure we are never made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe when staff are asked to move or asked to take on a patient with a high dependency.
She is a motherly figure that everyone looks up to and aspires to be like. Karen always makes us feel appreciated and expresses her pride for us when achieving new goals. For example, for multiple new starters when completing their first tracheostomy change Karen individually messaged them to congratulate them. The whole team is incredibly grateful for Karen and the work she does for us all!
Karen has a great rapport not only with the L38 team but also with other members of staff across the hospital. This is shown through the utmost respect that the L38 team has for her alongside the team's confidence in knowing they can approach Karen with any concerns, difficulties, or worries. Karen will check in on staff on a regular basis, especially after a hard shift. Karen is a credit and asset to the team as well as giving great reassuring hugs. The following are only a handful of examples from multiple members of the team of just how much Karen has done for us all:
Following the passing of a long-term patient on the ward, Karen provided the highest level of dignity and respect to the patient and their mother who had changed their mind about her final wishes for her child. Karen supported this mother and the staff on the shift whilst also keeping her own emotions in check.
Karen has met and cared for numerous patients suffering from mental health problems including eating disorders and has been seen on multiple occasions going the extra mile to sit with them through difficult and challenging emotions, even sitting down on the floor to comfort them.
Karen always ensures the team is supported and protected when put in difficult situations in regard to staffing. She 'fights' for the best and safest outcome for us to make sure we are never made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe when staff are asked to move or asked to take on a patient with a high dependency.
She is a motherly figure that everyone looks up to and aspires to be like. Karen always makes us feel appreciated and expresses her pride for us when achieving new goals. For example, for multiple new starters when completing their first tracheostomy change Karen individually messaged them to congratulate them. The whole team is incredibly grateful for Karen and the work she does for us all!