Kasey Lowe
May 2024
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
United States




I was gone about 5 minutes, and when I returned, Kacey was sitting at her bedside stroking her arm, speaking gently, and helping her focus on her breathing.  My daughter had calmed down significantly.  
My 13y/o daughter was admitted to the pediatric unit with what they believe was toxic shock. Our first night there was a pretty miserable and scary night. She was tachycardic, in significant generalized pain, hot, itchy, exhausted, and scared. She couldn’t move much due to the generalized pain. She just couldn’t get comfortable and couldn’t sleep despite ice packs, Toradol, Dilaudid, and Valium.  I was anticipating that she would have bad memories of the experiences she endured, especially that first night.  However, by the grace of God, everything has been a bit hazy for her since that first night, except for a very special moment with her night nurse, Kacey. There was a moment when I became a bit overwhelmed seeing my daughter so miserable and not knowing what was wrong at that point.  Kacey encouraged me to step out for a few minutes and said she would stay with my daughter.  I was gone about 5 minutes, and when I returned, Kacey was sitting at her bedside stroking her arm, speaking gently, and helping her focus on her breathing.  My daughter had calmed down significantly.  Despite all of the pokes, prodding, LP, CT, US, sleep deprivation, and discomfort she experienced due to her illness, that special moment she shared with Kacey is my daughter's strongest memory.  

Kacey is an absolute saint.  I fully admit we ran her ragged that night.  She would no sooner leave the room, and we called her right back.  Yet, every time she came in, she was calm, patient, and compassionate.  She really listened to her and I know she pulled every trick out of her hat to help my daughter get comfortable.  She took the time to rub her back, offer kind words and compassion.  Every person we encountered at CDH was just absolutely wonderful.  Although, Kacey was extra special.  

It is such a gift that despite everything, her standout memory is such a good one.  We are so thankful for Kacey and the entire care team.