Kate Zito
May 2022
Inpatient Seidman 4th Floor
UH Seidman Cancer Center
United States
Kate knew he needed help. She sat with him on his bed and took him in her arms. She held him until he could cry.
M has been treated for rectal cancer. His last chemo tx caused severe chest pain (Afib, RVR + vasospasms) which necessitated in patient admission for all subsequent chemo. He was very anxious and afraid as the potential plan was making him sick. He was angry, scared, and anxious and took it out on everyone. Kate saw this and would see through his behavior to the person inside. She treated him with such love, respect, and kindness. I remember one day early in the treatment he was especially upset. He couldn’t express his feelings. He couldn’t speak, he could hardly cry. It was during COVID, yet Kate knew he needed help. She sat with him on his bed and took him in her arms. She held him until he could cry. Then she stayed with him and talked. She was so special. She demonstrated compassion beyond belief. M was here many more admissions and Kate made a point to see him every time even though he wasn’t on her floor again as he was admitted to ICU for the chemos after that and then to the surgical floor for his ostomy and closure. We had MANY fabulous nurses here, but she is something special. Her knowledge, love, humility, and compassion are AMAZING. If there are angels on Earth, Kate Zito is certainly one of them. My husband and I would not have survived this journey without here!!