Katelin Allen
May 2024
Emergency Department
Angel Medical Center
United States




Ms. Allen’s care was above good; it was exceptional.
I had a heart attack and went to the ER at Angel. The minute I told the check-in desk I was having chest and jaw pain, Kate showed up. Now, it is not much of an exaggeration to say that by the time I hit the gurney, I had an IV, blood drawn, my first Nitro, and a 12-lead EKG done. In the 12 hours I was in the ER, Kate was never far away. After 23 years as a Combat Corpsman with the Navy, being an EMT, then a Paramedic, and finally a surgical tech, I know what care and good care are. Ms. Allen’s care was above good; it was exceptional. Attentive at all times, reassuring at all times, checked on my Nitro drip, checked on my blood thinner drip. Nurses like Ms. Allen don’t come along every day, and this is my way of saying Thank You.