April 2023
Katherin N
3 North
Jackson Hospital
United States




After every few verses, she would quietly call him by name and reiterate that she was there. She held his hand through it all. Within minutes of her finishing the chapter, he took his last breath with her holding his hand.
Every day, she goes above and beyond for her patients. She works to always ensure that her patients' needs are met, all the while keeping a smile and positive disposition and always having an encouraging word. But recently, she had a patient who took a sudden turn for the worse. His family was hours away, and it quickly became obvious that they would not make it here to be with him when he passed. The patient was still somewhat alert. I was in the room with her as she comforted this dying man. She talked softly and calmly to him, reassuring him that he was not alone and that he would not be left alone. She placed a call in for the chaplain. She found his Bible lying on his bedside table and opened it to the passages that he had marked. Leaning over so that he could hear her, she read the passages from Mark 13 that he had bookmarked. After every few verses, she would quietly call him by name and reiterate that she was there. She held his hand through it all. Within minutes of her finishing the chapter, he took his last breath with her holding his hand. As an "old nurse", it did my heart good to see one of our "young nurses" stopping everything to hold the hand of a dying patient and showing such compassion and caring. It gives me renewed hope for the future of my chosen career. She showed the True art of Nursing.