Katie Herring
October 2020
Vidant Medical Center
United States




Several weeks ago, during the scariest times of my life, I met one of the best nurses. My oldest son, K, had just been diagnosed with cancer. A week later he had his first treatment where he experienced complications. These complications resulted in K being sedated, on dialysis, and on a ventilator in the PCIU. We had stellar nurses during our stay in the PICU and there was one nurse who especially stood out. This nurse is Katie Herring. She never once complained. Nothing seemed to bother her, she never seemed bothered not even with me asking her the same question for the 20th time. There was so much going on in PICU from K's machines constantly beeping to the plethora of visitors we had coming and going keeping a hawk's eye out and not to mention me being a mom of a newly diagnosed very sick teenager. All of these things could be unnerving for some but not for this special nurse. Katie was always the same nurse regardless of her audience. She never seemed burdened, her verbal and non-verbal communication showed me how much she cared. The way she cared for my son showed that she enjoyed the challenge of taking care of my very sick son. It was very clear from the beginning that K was her patient in her PICU room, she had complete control of his care.
Every single question I asked regarding his status, labs, or plan of care, she knew the answer. Katie never once said "Let me check" or "I don't know"…she knew, she always knew. Any beep, ring, or ding…she always suddenly appeared. I never had to look for her or call for her. In fact, there was one day where I wondered if she took a lunch break because…she…was…always…there! Like a phantom, she made it happen.
My son was her only priority; while she was taking care of my son, I didn't even realize she was taking care of me by putting my son first. Due to Katie's confidence and stellar care, I was able for the first time in several days to just breathe. I trusted her with my son and at that particular time, giving my trust was highly coveted yet she managed to gain it. I knew without any shadow of a doubt K was receiving the best care. I so desperately needed the security of feeling K was safe and with Katie I had no doubts. Every day, Katie came in at 100% and she left at 100%. She never wavered. One day, she was checking K's eyes with a flashlight and I asked "Why are you doing that? You have not done that before." She respectfully responded with confidence "Yes I have, you just have not ever noticed." I remember smiling so big when she left the room. It was in that awe-inspiring moment that I realized she was one of a kind. Katie runs her PICU room(s), they do not run her. It is obvious that Katie shows her love for nursing by sharing her love for her job and all the patients she cares for as well as the parents. As I am typing this, I have come to realize that I have never properly thanked Katie. Thank you Katie for taking care of my son. Thank you for your attention to every detail, no matter how small or big. You are truly magnificent.