Katie Hoganson
May 2022
Patient Care Services
Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento
United States




Katie empowers her team to be problem solvers and take part in the solution.
When I read the qualifications for this award, I immediately thought of Katie. She exemplifies ALL the above qualifications and many, many more. Katie is a role model for compassion, cares deeply for all of her staff, communicates very well with her staff and peers, and is always willing to help in any way. Katie is right there working side by side in the trenches when she needs to be. I have witnessed this on Professional Development Days, as Katie is moving tables and chairs and helping set up that event every single month.

Katie is very enthusiastic and is an excellent motivator in leading her team while making it fun! She empowers her team to be problem solvers and take part in the solution. She is not afraid to think outside of the box and welcomes innovative ideas. She does not settle for "this is how we have always done it". In fact, that spurs her a bit more for seeking change. This is most recently exemplified by the Professional Development Days. Katie saw an opportunity to improve this program, so she enlisted frontline staff, and together they revamped the program.

Through all of this, Katie helps to build confidence in you and is there when you need her. Katie has a great group of people within her management team, and I was proud to be a part of her team. Katie has a great focus on meeting SPI goals and targets as well. This is best exemplified by the finance bootcamp she provided for her Assistant Nurse Managers and Managers this year. Katie is one of the true "Rockstars" here at SSC and is very deserving of this award.